Q-2, r. 46.01 - Regulation respecting a system of selective collection of certain residual materials

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69. The members of the committee monitoring the collection of materials are mandated by the following persons having a domicile or establishment in Québec:
(1)  the managers of sorting centres for the sorting of residual materials, who must mandate 3 representatives taking into account the range of business models;
(2)  residual material conditioners, who must mandate 1 representative whose conditioning activities concern mainly plastic, 1 representative whose conditioning activities concern mainly glass and 1 representative whose conditioning activities concern mainly cellulosic fibres;
(3)  residual material reclaimers, who must mandate 3 representatives whose reclamation activities concern mainly each of the 3 types of materials referred to in subparagraph 2;
(4)  if applicable, persons acting mainly as intermediaries in the buying or selling of residual materials, such as brokers;
(5)  a management body designated under a regulation made under subparagraph b of subparagraph 6 of the first paragraph of section 53.30 and section 53.30.2 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), if such a body exists.
A person or body referred to in the first paragraph may only be represented on the committee by a single person.
Three seats as observers on the monitoring committee are held by the designated management body, the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs and the Société.
O.C. 973-2022, s. 69.
In force: 2022-07-07
69. The members of the committee monitoring the collection of materials are mandated by the following persons having a domicile or establishment in Québec:
(1)  the managers of sorting centres for the sorting of residual materials, who must mandate 3 representatives taking into account the range of business models;
(2)  residual material conditioners, who must mandate 1 representative whose conditioning activities concern mainly plastic, 1 representative whose conditioning activities concern mainly glass and 1 representative whose conditioning activities concern mainly cellulosic fibres;
(3)  residual material reclaimers, who must mandate 3 representatives whose reclamation activities concern mainly each of the 3 types of materials referred to in subparagraph 2;
(4)  if applicable, persons acting mainly as intermediaries in the buying or selling of residual materials, such as brokers;
(5)  a management body designated under a regulation made under subparagraph b of subparagraph 6 of the first paragraph of section 53.30 and section 53.30.2 of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), if such a body exists.
A person or body referred to in the first paragraph may only be represented on the committee by a single person.
Three seats as observers on the monitoring committee are held by the designated management body, the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs and the Société.
O.C. 973-2022, s. 69.